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Only one week until our annual skating carnival, where we celebrate the hard work, dedication, and growth of our athletes.

A few reminders:

  • Carnival tickets are available now! You can purchase tickets in person at any of our group skating times. Cash and etransfer are both available. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children (with kids 5 and under being free). Tickets will also be available on the day of the carnival at the Brock Street entrance box office

  • We are still in need of a few volunteers, particularly for set-up (Friday afternoon) and running spot lights during the show. Please check your email for the volunteer form to sign up. Volunteer hours are available for high school students!

  • If you have already volunteered, you will be getting an email soon with instructions for your job. Thank you so much for your willingness to help!

  • Please be checking your email regularly. Email is the best way for us to communicate regarding times/practices/etc.

We can't wait to see you all on Saturday to celebrate our skaters!

Congratulations to Riley Douglass for being named power skating MVP and being the recipient of the 2025 Jackie Gibson Smith Memorial Award. Riley's hard work and dedication to getting better on his skates is the reason he was selected by coach Ron as MVP. He improved month after month, improving his inside and outside edges, along with his speed and balance. We are so proud of your hard work, Riley!

Over the last few weeks, our competitive track skaters have participated in two competitions. We are so proud of their hard work!

Star 1-4 Series Competition, Point Edward

Star 1

Olivia L. - GOLD Status

Quinn T. - BRONZE Status

Star 3

Abilene C. - SILVER Status

Brooke H. - SILVER Status

Rebekah O. - SILVER Staus

Star 4 U13

Chelsea J. - 2nd

Reese S. - 6th

Star 1-4 Series Competition, Milton

Star 1

Olivia L. - GOLD Status

Star 3

Brooke H. - SILVER Status

Rebekah O. - SILVER Staus

Star 4 U13

Chelsea J. - 2nd

Reese S. - 1st

© 2014-2023 by Skate Sarnia.

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